European Conference of the Global Association of SoL Communities: Sofia | May 20-21, 2016

The Global Association of SoL Communities (GASC), a renowned international network of SoL (Society for Organizational Learning) communities and the emergent community of SoL Bulgaria organize the 2016 GASC Conference Journey with the purpose of fostering knowledge generation and diffusion for fundamental institutional change.

Through learning we re-create ourselves. Through learning we become able to do something we never were able to do. Through learning we re-perceive the world and our relationship to it. Through learning we extend our capacity to create, to be part of the generative process of life.

The program of the conference is co-created during a three months learning journey by a select group of international and local contributors with overwhelming experience and broad talents.

Between 9:00 and 17:30 on both days, participants will embark an experiential learning journey with the purpose to:

  • CONNECT TO SELF, OTHERS AND TO THE LARGER SYSTEM: to be whole, we cannot separate the self, from people we interact with, and from the organizations we work for, or the society we live in.
  • CONNECT THE SELF TO SYSTEMS COOPERATION AND TO SOCIAL INNOVATION to get empowered to meet complex adaptive challenges whether at global, European or country level.
  • CONNECT THE PAST (HISTORY), TO THE PRESENT (CHALLENGES) AND TO THE FUTURE (ASPIRATIONS). In the present we learn from our past experiences and from our history to build the enlivening future we aspire.

We have to accept that we are all in this together, and that the only way out is through, and the only way through is together. KEN HOMER